Murals not only enrich our culture but help us to define ourselves in our community. Whether providing social commentary, or serving as ornament, the work of a group or a single artist, all contribute to our sense of place in Wichita. In an attempt to document this form of public art, this project was begun in 2007. The streets of Wichita were driven systematically, searching exteriors of commercial establishments, governmental or educational buildings, and neighborhood landmarks. Though Wichita is rich in both interior and exterior murals, this project is limited to exterior works, being naturally accessible and relative to everyone. A few mural works of our fair city have been noted in Kansas Murals by Lora Jost and Dave Loewenstein, and these entries are indicated by the abbreviation (KM).
Although the webpage was begun in December of 2010, images continue to be photographed and entered as time allows. Images and cursory information are entered for each mural, with additional works and information to follow as research continues.

It is to be expected that not all murals may be completely captured at any given point in time, as public art may be created and/or destroyed fairly rapidly. If you have further information regarding local murals or local mural artists, please contact Rachel Crane, project coordinator, at 316-978-5078 or by email at: [email protected]